Written by Bryan Schatz | Translated by David Luchini
Kickboxing Exercises bag
Shadow boxing image by Andrei vishnyakov from Fotolia.com
The heavy bag is an integral part of the training regimen of kickboxing, used to develop an understanding of distance and increase strength, technique, fitness and energy. Heavy bags come in a variety of shapes and weights, but as kickboxer should use a bag just above the soil penda at least have the height of a head to provide a target size of a real opponent who will attack all levels in the body.
Pre heating with heavy bags
Before going into the round over intensity and technique and strength, with the bag in hot short rounds hitting the bag fast and smooth. Place a timer to complete one minute rounds with 30 seconds rest. In the first three rounds strip hand combinations, alternating short, cross and hook. Add nods, turns back and pay attention to footwork. Run in place or jumping rope during the "rest period. & Rdquo. In the last three rounds, incorporates kicks, knees and elbows as the body warms. It ends with a round of shadow before moving to the next set of exercises.
For three-minute rounds, develops various combinations you can use in the ring. Pay attention to your distance from the bag and the exact space you need to keep banging hard. Start with hand combinations and incorporates slips and crashes to simulate defensive techniques. You can throw combos short, cross and hook, a slip inside and finish with a hook. Move outside after each combination and get ready for the next batch. In the second round, including kicks and combinations that are used specific tactics. For example, a short strap and a cross to push "opponent" again and ends with a swing to the thigh, stomach and head. The third round should incorporate punching bag and throw knees to the stomach. Increases the number of rounds as you gain fitness.
The blows strongly used in the last 30 seconds to a minute per round. Generally it is used in cardio kickboxing and wrestling conditioning. For the last part of each round, punches and kicks as hard as you can without neglecting your technique. Proper technique is always going to increase speed and strength and should never be penalized for "wind-up punches otherwise increases the time you hit the bag as hard as possible.
Training cops
The kickboxers hit their shins for several reasons. A: This is the hardest part of the leg and therefore, can be very harmful. Two: you are less prone to get injured when hit with your faucets because legs heels and other bones in the foot are vulnerable to injury. It conditions your shins repeatedly hitting both legs. Make rounds of three minutes to blows at all levels: thighs, stomach, head and each leg. If your shins get Doloras or bruised, cold ponles. It will take time to recover to kicking hard and painless.
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